Thursday, November 30, 2006

The wiggle and jive.

Felix has a bad cold this week and so Mummy and Felix have been keeping themselves busy indoors, whilst Daddy is off working in London.

One of Felix's books comes with a lively CD, which is great fun to get up and wriggle and jive to ... with some great fun pictures to look at aswell.

Felix, just like his Daddy, has some pretty good manoevres on the dance floor and a few good yoga moves thrown in too.

Not bad for a sick little poppet!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Le vrai parisien.

There's a new coffee connoisseur in Paris. And yes, it is none other than the 'nearly 2 year old' Master Felix!

Okay so he doesn't actually taste the coffee but he loves trying the seats and dipping the spoon in Daddy's empty noisette cup.
And if you look very carefully Bon Papa, you'll be sure to recognise Le Dôme!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Aussie animals.

Felix is getting to know lots of aussie animals with thanks to the various care packages and presents from family and friends in Australia.

For his 1st birthday Aunty Kendall and Uncle Dave gave him an 'Australian how to count' bag which he had great fun playing with today.

Felix's favourite animals are the kookaburras, and he didn't quite believe Mummy that the white bird is actually a cockatoo. We'll have to see some in the flesh when we return to Oz for holidays in February.

Monday, November 27, 2006


There are two things that are pretty popular at the moment in Felix's household - reading and singing.
Singing photos aren't terribly interesting, so instead Mummy thought she would share some more reading photos.

Felix quite likes 'The smartest giant in town' at the moment (thanks to Aunty Boo) and is also a very big fan of Eric Carle, of course of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' fame.

Felix has also quite taken to reading to his toys, including of course Leonardo. It's pretty incredible to overhear him with the right intonation and everything. You can't quite catch the words just yet but he gets the gist across.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


What is an eye-bum you might ask? Well according to Felix it is his word for 'Eyebrow'. And often when he is having a cuddle with Mummy he will touch her eye brow tenderly and say 'Eye-bum'. Cracks her up everytime!

Friday, November 24, 2006


So we are in the middle of clementine season in France and let me tell you they are absolutely delicious.

Felix is pretty pleased with himself that he can sit at his own table, peel the clementine(s) and eat them all-by-himself. And pretty quickly too.

Only thing is all this week Felix has only wanted to eat fruit! Hmmm... (*The mini symbolises Daddy returning from London tonight - Yipee!!)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Blue Red and Green Doh.

The other day Felix discoverered that there are lots of different playdoh colours not just purple. There is also Blue, Green,& Red (amongst others tucked away in his toybox).

He had great fun rolling lots of really long wiggly worms (with some help from Mummy).

Although he couldn't quite manouevre getting them back together again.

Nevertheless he did have fun though, although seemed rather unimpressed by Mummy helping him to spell out his name.

I guess he is a few more years away from reading yet.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Birthday season.

It's birthday season at the moment. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Felix went to Jamine's 2nd Birthday last weekend. It was Jan's birthday yesterday, Kate's birthday today and her little baby Rosie is waiting to choose her birthday any week now.

And of course it is Felix's 2nd birthday a week on Sunday - 3rd December. All the party plans are under way, the fridge is being emptied to make way for all the champagne, and Mummy is researching birthday cake recipes. Any ideas?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Gone mad!

Okay so Mummy is starting to get the 'boy thing' now ... they are all CRAZY!!! Help me.

Four days alone without Daddy!! Eeeekkk....

Monday, November 20, 2006

Bedtime stories...

For young Felix, nothing beats the end of a long day better than a nice, quiet sit down with a good story. An old family favourite is 'Moo Baa La La La.' by Sandra Boynton.

Sometimes, Felix likes to have some toys with him, sometimes some animals and other times he just likes one-on-one time alone with Mummy or Daddy. (They kinda like it too!)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The gown and the molars.

As the weather has turned chilly, Felix is the proud new owner of a lovely little white robe from Petit Bateau.

He was pretty chuffed with the new attire and especially having a coat to wear inside.

Mummy's pretty happy too as now he will be toasty warm after the bath and when he gets up of a morning (which luckily at the moment is about 8am!).

But there have been a few late night wake-ups of late as Felix's bottom molars have been coming through ... ouch!

But given the pain of molars it's been pretty manageable and not too many drugs this time round. (If you look carefully in the photo above you can see one cutting through the surface).

Only two more molars to go! Yippee!

Friends in Boulougne-Billancourt.

Mummy and Felix visited Alexia and her Mummy for a playdate last week (about 5 minutes from where Daddy was born in Boulogne-Billancourt).

Felix had great fun playing with all
of Alexia's toys (especially the horsey) and as usual proved what a good apetite he has finishing off most of the fruit and practically all of the gâteaux.

Alexia wasn't quite so sure about this little boy who had invaded her home, eaten all the food and was playing with all her toys. Hmmm.

But she was a very good sharer and very good at teaching us all about french animals.

All-in-all it was a lovely afternoon of indulging in pastries and chatting for the Mummies too!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Most days Felix prefers to have sandwiches for lunch. Which is quite handy as they are nice and easy, and no thinking is required from Mummy.

Today it was ham and cheese. Oh and butter, or rather 'Butterfly' as Felix calls it. Try as I might to tell him it's actually butter, and butterfly is the insect, he's just not budging on this one.

So now Felix has ham, cheese and butterfly sandwiches. Mmm-mmm.
(Although it is very sweet don't you think)!

Introducing Simone.

Felix wanted to introduce you to Simone, who is the lovely lady who come to play with him when Mummy and Daddy go out. Felix just adores Simone and calls her 'Mon'.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Four in the bed.

At playgroup yesterday Felix and Ben decided that they wanted to play in Ben's bed and have some fun. Pretty quickly Freja and Max joined them too!

Little Jonah was having some fun too from the outside looking on enviously at the big kids.

With four in the bed you can imagine there was lots of jumping and laughter.

Amazingly enough the bed stayed in one piece (?!#?), to Ben's Mummy's delight.

After all the excitement Max found it nice just to sit down and have a little repose.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Trucks and little boys.

Little boys just LOVE their trucks.

And Felix certainly is obessed with anything with wheels at the moment. He loves zipping around the kitchen on his little truck and he can get to some pretty high speeds too.

This week Felix introduced Leonardo to the world of tricycles. Leonardo took to it like a fish to water (or a lion to trike). With just a little bit of help from Felix along the way.

Cheeky little monkeys ...

Ooops Felix, you'd better look out for those chairs!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Afternoon stroll at the Lux.

Mummy and Felix went for a stroll in the Luxembourg gardens yesterday afternoon before our playgroup.

It was quite a mild autumn day and we looked at all the leaves that were falling off the trees.

Felix raced around with his little pram (it is incredibly successful at wearing out little boys).

Up and down the different paths in the gardens, trying to follow the little touches of sunshine here and there.

It was quite a nice little wander and it seemed to do the trick at wearing Felix out before we joined the others at the little playground. Even more excitement to wear him out.

At 7pm Felix asked Daddy to go to bed. Most unusual for the little man to actually ask to go to bed, especially at 7pm. He slept soundly until 8am this morning!