Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Le vrai parisien.

There's a new coffee connoisseur in Paris. And yes, it is none other than the 'nearly 2 year old' Master Felix!

Okay so he doesn't actually taste the coffee but he loves trying the seats and dipping the spoon in Daddy's empty noisette cup.
And if you look very carefully Bon Papa, you'll be sure to recognise Le Dôme!!


Anonymous said...

Indeed, Mummy ! It is Le Dome... They have an excellent Beaujolais Nouveau, in season, at that "terrasse" ! Glad to notice that Felix has already the posture of a true "Montparno" !

SarahInSydney said...

Hmmm ... Mummy isn't too convinced on the Beaujolais Nouveau Bon Papa, although maybe it is an acquired taste.

Although I certainly do enjoy a late afternoon Kir on the terrace. Shame it won't be our local drinking hole just yet!

And they do lovely petit dej's too!!