Thursday, August 31, 2006

Leonardo & Giraffee.

So it seems that not only is Felix quite fond of Leonardo, but he is also very fond of his Giraffee (thanks Aunty Kim & Uncle Barrie)...

And now it seems that Leonardo the lion is also quite fond of Giraffee too and they had a rather splendid 'bisous' moment today.

They make a rather cute trio...

and funnily enough Felix's 'Lion and Giraffe' t-shirt was perfect for the occassion!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

See you soon!

Nannie and Pappie left Paris today for a two week adventure in Spain and Morocco. Felix will see them again for a wedding mid September in Heidelberg, before they go back to Mooloolah Valley.

Before they set off for the airport they gave Felix a great book of colours. Felix was very impressed. Especially with the orange page (even though blue seems to be is favourite colour of late).

Then it was time for the kisses ... somehow Felix ended up covered in Nannie's lipstick. Whoops.

See you really soon Nannie and Pappie!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Another day another bath.

Each evening Felix has his nightly ritual before he goes down to sleep. He has his dinner, has a bath, puts his PJs on, has 3 stories, shutters come down, lights go off, kisses and into bed.

Bathtime is the fun part where Felix likes to play with the water, bubbles, ducks, boats and just enjoy being in the water.

It's when he gets all clean and fresh for his night slumber and after which he is super clean and scrumptous (okay so Mummy is a little biased).

These are some of Mummy's favourite bath photos of late.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Art & dots.

We took Felix to the Modern Art Museum of Paris on the weekend which is a vibrant place to let a little man exert some energy.

Lots of spacious colourful rooms just waiting to be explored...

Felix particularly liked this one small, but very tall room which was filled with colourful dots and made fantastic echoes (although he looked tiny in comparison).

He quite enjoys modern art galleries (like Mummy and Daddy) and who knows maybe he will be a modern day Matisse ?

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sunday mornings.

Each Sunday morning we have a little family tradition of having croissants, pain au chocolats, coffee and smoothies. Even Felix has a croissant and a smoothie (although Mummy and Daddy draw the line at a pain au chocolat).

Having just finished our breaky we called Aunty Caitlin in Briz-Vegas.

Felix was mesmerised by chatting to Aunty Caitlin and then became all smiles.

What great fun!

Bravo Aunty Caitlin, thanks for the chat!

Top of the world.

What better way to go to the local shop than up on Daddy's shoulders, especially as Daddy is 6"4' tall.

It's really fun as it's nice and high and Felix has a great view of everything.

Makes Daddy nice and strong too (although just be careful of Daddy's hair Felix)!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Fire trucks.

Little boys love fire trucks.

So you can imagine how thrilled Felix was to receive his very own Fire Engine - especially imported from England by the lovely Joy and Peter.

The french ones are quite different as they have a super modern design and ressemble a somewhat funky aerodynamic truck rather than a traditional fire engine.

What better way to pass the afternoon.

Friday, August 25, 2006


Felix and Mummy walked over to visit Nanny and Pappy today at their summer abode. Unfortunately Nanny had a sore foot and couldn't do too much.

Whilst sitting in the lounge room we discovered a bug collection which was great fun to look at. Big bugs, little bugs and a scarab or two thrown in as well.

I wonder if Felix will do some bug collecting in the future?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Rainy days.

It's been raining again in Paris. Sigh. Nevertheless it's a good excuse for Felix to put on his raincoat and his gum boots and go puddle hunting.

The rain hasn't been too heavy so he could only find teeny weeny puddles (note the fingers).

That's when a break in the clouds happened and it was time to offload the raincoat onto Mummy and have a drink of water from his trusty bottle.

... and get into the afternoon's fun.

Although Mummy does suspect there will be more puddles later!!

'Ditt down'.

So it seems that the litttle master of the house is becoming quite sure of what he wants, what he doesn't want and quite enjoys telling us
exactly what he wants us to do.

The biggest one at the moment is to 'dit down' or rather to sit down. He will often command this when he its in his little chair, or whilst he is in his Tripp Trapp waiting for dinner. His little arm extends out, as does his index finger as he points to where he would like us to sit - usually quite near him.

Cheeky little monkey!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Canal St Martin.

We went to Canal St Martin today to join Daddy for lunch at Hotel du Nord. First stop was collect Daddy from his work and for Felix to have a little sit on Daddy's very stylish grass-covered vespa.

We then set off for Hotel Du Nord, a great little restaurant with the most delicious food.

Felix was a very big boy and sat up at the table. He is now becoming quite accustomed to dinning with the adults - none of this baby high chair business (besides they are impossible to find in Paris).

After a lunch filled with toy cars, bread baskets and tastes of everyone's meals, it was time to go to the park and get out some of that toddler energy or at the very least to get out the cars again.

The canal was a lovely backdrop to the afternoon ... although there was a moment of panic when it looked like two boats were going to collide in the canal.

But luckily the canal was wide enough for both of them. Phew!

So Felix continued with his rock gathering mission, until luckily we managed to distract him, put him back in the pram and take him home just in time for a very long late afternoon nap!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bathrooms & Reading.

Once upon a time Mummy could have a shower and simply enjoy the shower. But now Felix likes to sit in the bathroom, in his arm chair (carefully carried from the lounge room) and read a book.

And of course usually he likes to share what he is reading with Mummy and talk it through whilst Mummy is trying to wash her hair.

But who could say no to that little face and of course the 'pea-zse' (which I might add is fast becoming a plea-zse).

Whatever keeps him happy I guess!!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Hound dogs.

Next stop in the Loire Valley was Château Cheverny (from the region where they also do a lovely drop of Cheverny white wine).

This Château is somewhat smaller than Chaumont and is known for its decadent furnishings, manicured grounds and its 90 hound dogs which regularly partake in the hunting in the nearby forest.

Felix was woken from his 2 hour afternoon nap to the sound of the hounds and promptly starting 'wwoooofffing' with them. He was quite engrossed by them.

Understandably so, as I don't think he has ever seen so many dogs in one place.

Eventually we made it away from the hounds and Felix decided to inspect the stones at this Château and see if they were up to scratch (with some help from Nanny).

Definitely better than the stones one finds in Paris and again the backdrop - sublime!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Le Château de Chambord.

We took Felix to the Loire Valley on the weekend to see some of the stunning french Chateaux dating back to the 15th Century. First stop Le Château de Chambord.

It was a pretty impressive backdrop for Felix who seemed very happy to do some smiling for the camera in the sunshine (And also to show off his new truck tee-shirt that he is quite fond of wearing).

And what better place for Felix, Daddy, Nanny and Pappy to go for a walk than the back garden of a château.

We continued up into the château to wander around the luxurious rooms, discover the infamous double helix staircase and the great views of the grounds.

Felix had a great time and it has to be said that hanging around a château is great fun for a little man (especially with Daddy around).

And it's a pretty good backdrop too.

Needless to say Felix slept well that night.