Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hip Hip Hooray Daddy!

Not only is today the last day of the year but it is also Felix's Daddy's birthday. Happy Birthday Daddy! What a great day to have a birthday celebration!

After some initial prezzie opening and a lovely long 5 hour brunch it was time to get ready for the evening's festivities.

And of course as we were seeing Felix's bestest friend Iris it was very important that everyone was groomed properly!

Including young Leonardo of course!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Daddy's Birthday Eve!

It's Daddy's B'Day eve and the preparations are all under way for his birthday celebrations tomorrow.

A few days ago when Mummy explained it was Daddy's birthday soon, Felix promptly replied 'No Zee-zeats'. doubt Daddy will have to share the present opening.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Clowning around.

Like any other toddler Felix just loves to play with Playdoh. And for his birthday one of his presents was a special Playdoh Clown.

Only thing is you have to push really hard to get the hair to come out. It's almost too hard for Mummy and Daddy, so I am not quite sure how they expect 3 year olds to do it?

Nevertheless this doesn't phase Felix who quite keenly says "Push Mummy!"

Whatever keep him happy I guess, and given that it is only minus 1 degree outside, the main thing is we are all toasty warm indoors!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Where is our Angel?

Of late, our Angel child has turned somewhat more devilish. He screams when we dress him, demands to wear different shoes, refuses to put on his coat, insists on sleeping in his Star-childs and seems to be in tears at least once a day.

But you wouldn't pick it from this angelic photo would you?
Mummy and Daddy are starting to understand what they say about the terrible twos!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Felix Through the Looking Glass*.

On Wednesday afternoon Felix, Mummy and Daddy went to see the Xmas windows at Galleries Lafayette on the Grands Boulevards.

Needless to say we were not the only ones in Paris with the same idea.

Felix was not entirely sure what to expect when we told him we were seeing the windows...

But he certainly was not disappointed and was pretty quickly was into the whole experience, especially after seeing the doggie & bear windows.

Felix kept asking for 'More, More...' each time we left a window.

But eventually it was time to leave the window gazing crowds and join the shoppers inside ... even more manic.

I don't think we have ever seen so many people, have we Felix?

*With apologies to CS Lewis.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Bye-Bye Max.

So after having a nice five day stay with Felix, it was time for Max to go back home this afternoon.

Felix and Max had been having great fun the past few days and loved playing together (causing lots of havoc in the apartment).

There was a certain sadness that fell over the apartment after Max left. But we'll see him again really soon - pretty please Aunty Christie!

Bye-Bye Max!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

For young Felix, Xmas Day started off cheerfully enough with some phone & skype calls with Australia, followed by discovering with Max what Santa had left under the Christmas tree.

The presents seemed to continue throughout the day which seemed to somewhat excite Felix - even when the presents weren't necessarily for him!

One of Felix's presents from Santa was a very special Lady Bug umbrella, perfect for those wet parisian days.

After a lovely seafood lunch it was time for a relaxing afternoon and a good jigsaw puzzle, luckily Felix had just received a new one for Xmas.

But before we knew it, it was time for Bon Papa to leave to have a good night sleep before he returned to Vence bright and sparkling Boxing Day morning.

Felix didn't look overly thrilled by Bon Papa's departure, poor little pet! Au revoir Bon Papa!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Xmas Eve.

The tradition in France is to celebrate Xmas on the 24th (rather than the 25th in Australia).

So on Christmas Eve, Felix, Mummy and Daddy had Xmas dinner and an exchange of presents with Bon Papa.

Felix was the Head Chef of Presents and gave them out accordingly

There were presents for Mummy, Daddy and Bon Papa ...

And of course a HUGE pile of presents for Felix ...

... including a tambourine to Felix's delight.

And a very musical card from Bon Papa...

The pile of presents seemed neverending and Felix was very kind and helped everyone with the unwrapping.

And of course the night included lots of fun with young Max, the little treasure, who is staying with us for a few more days!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Joyeux Noël!

Well the Christmas festivities are well and truly underway 'chez nous' in Paris.

Felix has had great fun dressing up as Santa, playing with
Max, and the fridge is stocked with lots of yummy things for the next few days.

The Magret de Canard, the Foie Gras and the Bûche de Noël is being collected by the boys whilst Mummy has a repose.

So all in all it is looking good - except has anyone seen Felix??

Joyeux Noël!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Bon Papa Noël.

Bon Papa arrived in Paris yesterday afternoon and a certain young grandson was so excited that he couldn't settle for his lunchtime nap.

On arrival chez nous Bon Papa met young Max and hit it off instantly. To top of the afternoon Daddy managed to get an early mark and so we went for a nice Friday afternoon stroll!

Felix (on overdrive) had great fun walking along side his furry little friend Max, stopping to give him a little pat every now and then.

But after a while the lack of sleep took its toll on young Felix and he thought the best place to be was with Daddy Eskimo...

Or actually, up on Daddy Eskimo's shoulders.

What a great way to spend Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Up High.

Felix wasn't too sure of Max when he first arrived so decided the best approach was to stay up high.

That means he pretty much spent the first 24 hours in his Tripp Trapp, on the lounge, or on Mummy and Daddy's bed. Interesting approach huh?

Meet Max.

Felix has a little friend who has come to stay 'chez nous' for a few days. His name is Max and he is a white schnautzer.

And he is very, very cute!!

Thursday afternoon Max, Felix and Mummy went for a nice long walk to get everybody acquainted.

So far Felix is very intrigued by Max, but also a little bit cautious about his new furry friend!