Wednesday, October 24, 2007

F & A's new blog...

Move over V & A (Victoria and Albert museum in the UK)
Here comes F & A's new blog, all new, all baby, all toddler,
all about the lives of a nearly 3 year old and a nearly 3 week old.

Big brother Felix!

The official news is that Felix now has a little sister - Astrid Lily Hannah, born on October 12th 2007 at 18.18.

So far she seems to be a very similar temperament to her brother when he was a baby - very calm.

Felix was terribly keen to have his first cuddle on her first day home from hospital.

Let's hope he continues to be such a great big brother!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Déjà vu - The Ferris Wheel.

We had such a great time last weekend on the Ferris Wheel with Uncle Jonno that we decided to go back up with Nanny and Pappie.

And being a perfect Parisian sunny afternoon the view definitely made it worthwhile - even for Nanny who isn't that fond of heights.

Afterwards we took a lovely stroll through the Tuilleries and looked at the reminant fire displays from the 'Nuit Blanche' the night before.

I don't think there was a better place for an afternoon stroll today with such lovely deep blue skies ... and not a bad backdrop either!

Being Fashion Week there was a certain buzz in the air ... or was that the music pumping out from the Gautier parade???

Oblivious to everything, Felix was being his typical cheeky self playing around with Pappie in the sunshine (ouch, poor Pappie).

A great afternoon was had by all.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Wallabies.

Saturday afternoon was Rugby afternoon and we all sat down to watch the Wallabies play England ... strategically Felix pulled up his chair right beside the bowl of chips.

Being the first Rugby game Felix had watched he was somewhat surprised by what was happening on the screen ... and came out with some funny statements ...

"Oh look they've had an accident!"
"He pushed that man Mummy!"

Then he caught onto the usual cheers ... and there was no holding him back.

And if you look really closely on the screen you can see Uncle Jonno in the crowd as he was actually watching the game in Marseille.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Uncle Jonno & the Lux Gardens.

This afternoon Felix, Mummy and Uncle Jonno set off for an afternoon at the Luxembourg Gardens
(our neighbourhood Château).

It was a rather moody day (dependant on whether the sun was behind a cloud or not) but we had lots of fun anyway by throwing little pebbles into the pond...

Watching the ducks...

A pony ride on Flicker ...

Some playing in the huge pile of autumn leaves ...

Uncle Jonno and Felix even discovered a little grasshopper ...

(Although Felix was a bit dubious and didn't quite share Uncle Jonno's enthusiasm).

And then Uncle Jonno treated us to a gouter.

What a fun autumn afternoon.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Nanny & Pappie arrive!

Nanny & Pappie arrived safely in Paris today after a very long journey from Australia. Felix was terribly excited to see them especially as they had some Thomas the Tank engine carriages for him - Annie and Clarabel. No doubt we'll be having lots of fun adventures with them.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Bye Bye Louis!

After lots of long walks, running up and down hallways, naps in little-big-boy chairs (and generally causing chaos), it was time to say goodbye to Louis.

Felix didn't want him to go as they had lots of fun together. But as Mummy said we can see him again sometime soon.

Bye bye Louis!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Strolling in the Tuilleries.

Sunday afternoon we took Uncle Jonno for a lovely Parisian stroll around the Tuilleries.

It was a gorgeous autumn afternoon so we decided to stop and enjoy the ambience in one of the cafés inside the gardens.

Smiles all around!

Especially when we decided to get afternoon tea - a plethora of sweet delights.

Now which dessert to have???

It's always nice for us to have visitors as it makes us appreciate this beautiful city we live in.

Fingers crossed we'll have a few more days like these before winter hits!