Saturday, June 30, 2007

Being a Big Boy.

Felix is now quite chuffed as he thinks of himself as a very 'big boy'.

He has his 'big boy bed'.

His 'big boy room' with 'big boy train set'.

He wears his 'big boy undies' (somedays).

Just please don't call him little anymore! Or fear not he will correct you, 'No, I'm a Big Boy Daddy'!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Home Dayz.

Well it's been a very exhausting week. Felix has had an infection and Mummy has had Bronchitis.

Needless to say we have kept a very low profile - except for coughing and spluttering around the apartment.

To break the monotony of it all, Felix had a visitor this afternoon... (quick...who's at the door Felix?)

Ben came over to play .... although Felix wasn't overly convinced on 'sharing' the toys!

Little boys uh!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Still recovering!

Well it has to be said this weekend hasn't been a great one for Felix and Mummy.

We've both been feeling very below average and have been coughing, blowing our noses and generally feeling very sorry for ourselves.

Luckily Simone (Felix's fabulous babysitter) came to save the day today and kept Felix amused whilst Mummy rested 'au lit' for a lovely long siesta.

Felix and Simone had great fun at the park together too!

Let's hope we are over the worst of it!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Mummy & Felix weekend.

Mummy and Felix have the weekend to themselves whilst Daddy is off having fun with the Innocent crew in the South of France (Juan-Les-Pins to be precise!).

We were meant to go to Normandie for the weekend with friends but when we arrived at the station we found out our train had been cancelled. Grrr...

So back home we trekked for a quiet weekend with us both coughing and spluttering trying to get over our colds.

Hope Daddy is having some fun for us!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Waiting, waiting, waiting...

The 1st offical day of summer and it seems we are still waiting for some consistent warmer weather in Paris. Grrrrr....

Felix of course is all ready to go but alas it has been so hot / cold of late, Mummy never knows how many layers to take.

But Felix doesn't seem phased and seems to be keeping himself amused one way or another!

Come on sunshine! Pretty please!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Not feeling great!

Has been a poorly time 'chez nous' this week as young Felix has a bad cold and has been feeling rather sick.

The other night Mummy asked Felix if he felt sick in his tummy to which he replied 'yes'. Then she asked if he felt sick in his throat 'yes Mummy'. And do you feel sick in your elbow? 'Oh yes Mummy!'.

Hmmm...little munchkin.

But honestly the poorly little man has been coughing and spluttering and waking numerous times a night (poor Daddy and Mummy too).

Feel free to let Mummy know if anyone has any sick elbow cures!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Garderie Party.

Felix's garderie had their annual spring party on the weekend and there were lots of fun things for Felix to do.

There were 'Wheelbarrow races' & 'Fishing for frogs' competitions.

Admiring all the artwork whilst having chats to Iris.

A highlight for Felix was seeing how many sweets he could put in his mouth at the one time.

There were flowers to re-petal.

And of course some bubble blowing (whilst the Queensland Daddies chatted in the background).

And then Felix discovered the watering cans - needless to say he became quite wet.

And the morning finished with Felix's favourite - Kisses from the girls.

Thanks Emelyn (a fellow Frogsie)!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Changing faces of Felix.

Well it's been a while since you've been updated with the ongoings of Felix so Mummy thought she would indulge in a few Felix expressions whilst he is busy playing...

Some of these we see quite regularly and they still make us giggle! The faces of babes!

The Bossy Boots.

Who would have thought that little people could be so BOSSY. Sometimes Felix can sugar coat it (as above)... "More milk please Mummy", but more often than not there is a little bossy boots in the household. Aaaaargh....

Bathtime & Letters.

Luckily we have a nice big bath in New Paris, which is lots of fun at the end of the day for the ever-so-fast-growing Felix.

Recently Felix has been playing with his letters on the tiles.

With just a bit of help from Mummy to help spell out his name.


The Big Boys Bed.

So it's official ... Felix has joined Luka and made the move to a Big Boy's Bed. No more cots for our little man "Cots is for babies".

The transition has been great and he loves the new found freedom. Especially playing away in the morning whilst Mummy and Daddy catch an extra bit of sleep! Although Daddy did catch him the other morning in the biscuit tin at 6.30am! Whoops!

Settling in!

One of the best things about settling in to a new abode is discovering all the great new places to get things and of course all the great new bakeries.

And what better way to settle in than to try out the new 'pain au chocolats' from our very own organic bakery just down the road (or rather the 'Avenue'). Miam Miam.

Note the very full cheeks and satisfied grins!

Yes I think we are settling in rather nicely indeed!

We're back online!!

Finally after all this time we are back on line at New Paris. We are settling in nicely after all the excitement of the move, the french elections, the new kitchen being installed and now the internet. What excitement! So expect lots of new updates from Chez Felix!!