Sunday, April 29, 2007

New Paris!

So tomorrow we are moving into our new abode and young Felix is pretty excited.

He spoke today about leaving Paris and going to his new bedroom. Mummy reassured him that his new room was still actually in Paris. He looked at me a little bewildered and said 'Oh, Old Paris and New Paris!'.

So it's off to 'New Paris' we go! See you soon (although it could be a little while till we get up and running again internet-wise).


Saturday, April 28, 2007

Parks, Daddy & Jumping!

The great thing about where we live in Paris, are there are so many different parks that Felix rarely gets bored.

And even better some days (okay on weekends) Daddy gets to join us too...

And the boys can do some rock climbing together...

Or they can go through tunnels together (okay, maybe it's just Felix who goes through tunnels!).

And of late, Felix has a new obsession - JUMPING!

It makes a nice change of pace from our upcoming move (in just 2 more sleeps)!

(And yes, Mummy is procrastinating just a little!)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Felix's New Room.

Today we visited our new apartment (whilst we waited for hours for new furniture to be delivered).

Felix was armed with his trains (Molly and James) and some
more new shoes so he was quite content!

Nothing like a train race on Friday morning. Choo, Choo!!

And of course Felix loved seeing his new bedroom again. So much space to play!

Although for a minute Mummy thought there was a rather strict door policy! (But Felix, I'm
ON the guest list!!)

But she managed to make it through...phew!

Three more sleeps and we'll be moved in!* Yippee!!

(*If we get through the weekend that is!)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Orange shoes & little girls.

So after the new orange shoe discovery Felix and Mummy hit the park to enjoy some afternoon sunshine, armed with his Wiggle ball from Lyla.

It didn't take long before Felix had his usual female following. The question is was it the orange shoes, the Wiggles ball, or those golden locks?

Actually Mummy thinks the camera was the magnet as the little girl in the spotted dress insisted on her photo being taken and seeing it on the screen (aah, the toddlers of today!).

Once the girls were out of the way Felix could get back to the serious business of 'working out' on the stairs...

With thanks to his zippy new shoes! Not bad huh?

Then it was back to typical boy stuff, falling over in the dirt.
(Sigh another load of washing for Mummy!)

Not a bad afternoon for Felix really!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


As a parent you continually ask yourself 'Why'? And this months 'Why' question is 'Why isn't Felix sleeping?'. is driving us all crazy.

Is it nightmares? Is it the talk of a new bedroom? Is it potty training? I guess we'll never know unless Felix wants to spill the beans ??

(Pleazzzzze Felix!!)

Monday, April 23, 2007

New Orange Shoes.

Given the sudden HOT weather, Mummy hit the shops this week to buy Felix some lighter spring / summer style shoes.

Felix was quite chuffed when he discovered they were orange, perfect for a little boy.

Lazy mornings.

Sometimes in our household, we have some rather late mornings.

Felix is too interested in playing with his toys, Daddy is catching up with the football results and Mummy most likely is having a cuppa tea.

But everyone is pretty happy and of late Felix has even been protesting to get out of his jarmies at all.

But he does look pretty cute doesn't he!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Mummy, have you seen Felix?

Felix has a favourite game that he plays with Daddy.

Daddy starts by saying "Mummy, have you seen Felix?"

To which he starts looking around for Felix...

At this point Felix is usually in fits of giggles.

It's fast become a family favourite and can be played anywhere and regardless of mood.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Joyeux Anniversaire Bon Papa.

Felix is lucky to have three grandfathers born in April (within the space of 6 days) and today is Bon Papa's birthday. Bon Papa has come to Paris for a few days to celebrate his birthday with Felix, Mummy and Daddy.

Joyeux anniversaire Bon Papa!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The BIG slide.

Felix and Mummy visited the park one morning and Felix had great fun running around exerting some of that 2 year old boyish energy.

Felix was quite taken by THE BIG SLIDE and had great fun running up and down the stairs and zipping down the slide.

All was looking good (and safe)...

Until he realised he could go faster lying down...

At which point there were a few unexpected dismounts...

Some better than other, but Felix didn't seem to mind.

And would you believe even after all this fun, Felix still refused his nap to Mummy's horror!

Le petit diable!

Happy 70th Bappie!

Happy Birthday Bappie from us three in Paris. Hope you had a lovely day and enjoyed your birthday celebrations of the BIG SEVEN ZERO!!.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Where has our angel gone?

Why have the Felix updates dropped off of late? Well apart from everyone having a huge to do list with our new move, it seems our little angel has disappeared. And instead, this is what Mummy has been dealing with daily.

A little boy that doesn't nap and dislikes going to sleep and is generally a tyrant, not to mention incredibly bossy. So if anyone sees our angel can you point him in the direction of Paris please!

(Having said that of course we still adore him, it's just we prefer our sweet little angelic Felix!)

George Brassens.

Recently we have been spending quite a bit of time at George Brassens, a park in the 15th.

There are lots of great things to climb on...

Slides to enjoy (or not) ...

And places to run and explore!

Not to mention water to play with...

After all the runnning, Felix likes to have a quick repose...

... before having a little snack.

How great to have the warm weather back!