Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Orange shoes & little girls.

So after the new orange shoe discovery Felix and Mummy hit the park to enjoy some afternoon sunshine, armed with his Wiggle ball from Lyla.

It didn't take long before Felix had his usual female following. The question is was it the orange shoes, the Wiggles ball, or those golden locks?

Actually Mummy thinks the camera was the magnet as the little girl in the spotted dress insisted on her photo being taken and seeing it on the screen (aah, the toddlers of today!).

Once the girls were out of the way Felix could get back to the serious business of 'working out' on the stairs...

With thanks to his zippy new shoes! Not bad huh?

Then it was back to typical boy stuff, falling over in the dirt.
(Sigh another load of washing for Mummy!)

Not a bad afternoon for Felix really!


Life with Lyla said...

My goodness Uncle Dave will be so happy to see your new orange shoes Felix! They are just like his (and very Iku friendly)

SarahInSydney said...

Orange is the hit colour of Spring 2007 in Paris so Uncle Dave should be very happy!