Saturday, March 31, 2007

Felix, Thomas and Friends.

Whilst we were in Australia, Felix developed quite an interest in Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends (with thanks to Daddy and Aunty Kim).

He now has quite a little collection. Not to mention Curious George and his Fire Truck (ABC Kids).

In addition to Thomas, Big City Engline, Molly and James, he also has George the Steam Roller.

And yes, with all these trains he a very happy two year old.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The jetlag continues.

And here is an indication of the week that is - not one of Mummy and Daddy's best!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Felix and the Kangaroos.

Okay we are safely back in Paris and dealing with jetlag but Mummy couldn't resist adding some more photos of Felix and the Kangaroos.

At Australia Zoo Felix managed to get up nice and close and even managed to feed some kangaroos.

And we even spotted the super rare white kangaroo...

Hope you enjoyed the photos ... now for us its back to jetlag and 5am wake up calls.

Will it ever end?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Back to Parisian Parks.

So we are getting back into the swing of Parisian life by visiting all the local playgrounds.

During the week Felix made some new friends and started up an impromptu game of football - Daddy would be proud.

To try and get as much sun as possible (helps minimise jetag) we had lunch alfresco at the park.

Only thing is it doesn't really seem to be working though - just ask grumpy Daddy!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Bye Bye Australia.

Today was D-day. The last day of the holiday and the start of the 24 hour return flight to Paris.

After a final coffee (and a Babycinno for Felix) we bid our farewells to Nanny and Bappie, but hopefully we'll see everybody really soon.

Au revoir Australia!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Noosa - beautiful one day, perfect the next.

Today we went to Noosa to enjoy some beautiful Queensland sunshine and also to have some lunch right on the beach with Nanny and Bappie.

It was just lovely.

Felix enjoyed the meal with everyone having his very own delicious lunch (forgoing his afternoon nap!).

Simply smiles all around.

Afterwards Felix had great fun exploring the beach boardwalk...

Whilst we enjoyed our coffees (Australian style of course!).

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mooloolah Cows.

After much excitement it was finally time to see the cows today at Stephanie and Ian's house (friends of Nanny and Bappie's).

First stop was feeding Ebony the goat
and then we set off through the lush green paddocks to search for the cows.

And cows we found.

Twelve of them in every shape and size including bulls (and yes Mummy was a little nervous).

Armed with some hay Felix managed to win them over with some help from the dog Will.

We then set back through the grassy paddocks
and admired the beautiful sky.

Do we really have to go home to metropolitan Paris?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Aunty Caitlin returns to Briz-Vegas.

Felix has had great fun playing with his Aunty Caitlin the past few nights. Felix and Aunty Caitlin even shared a room, to Felix's delight (although I am not so sure how Aunty Caitlin felt about those 6am starts!!). After all the fun times Aunty Caitlin set back for Briz-Vegas today. Hope to see you again really soon Aunty Caitlin.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Australia Zoo.

Nanny and Bappie live about a 10 minute drive to Australia Zoo and this was high on Felix's to do list. And it certainly didn't dissapoint.

Within five minutes of arriving Felix was lucky enough to pat a baby aligator.

Next stop was the Kidz Zoo and feeding the baby animals.

All of whom were just gorgeous.
Felix was very excited to be so close to baby goats, lambs and calves.

Then it was of to the Crocoseum to see the animal show...

and of course to see the crocs before we settled into a picnic lunch.

In the afternoon we caught a train to see the tigers (Felix's favourite)...

and we happened to see the elephants going for an afternoon stroll.

The tigers didn't disappoint .... even putting on a show for us visitors.

And finally the highlight Felix met his first Kangaroos. And even fed them.

And when we left that evening we agreed with Steve Irwin that 'Crikey it was a big day!'

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Afternoons swims in the dam.

Nanny and Bappie live right on a beautiful dam, which is really handy on a hot Queensland day.

So this afternoon Felix, Mummy and Daddy went with Nanny, Bappie and Aunty Caitlin...

for a lovely afternoon dip in the dam.

Felix had great fun doing jumps in the water with Nanny and Daddy and loved splashing around in the water.

And the best thing afterwards was getting all nice and rugged up toasty warm.