Thursday, November 23, 2006

Blue Red and Green Doh.

The other day Felix discoverered that there are lots of different playdoh colours not just purple. There is also Blue, Green,& Red (amongst others tucked away in his toybox).

He had great fun rolling lots of really long wiggly worms (with some help from Mummy).

Although he couldn't quite manouevre getting them back together again.

Nevertheless he did have fun though, although seemed rather unimpressed by Mummy helping him to spell out his name.

I guess he is a few more years away from reading yet.


Anonymous said...

Mummy !
As a French AND Australian citizen, you must also teach dear Felix that he has ALSO some German ancestry, so... there are Red and Black colours in the world of colours....
(Mind you, I prefer the Union Jack... you cant eradicate some idiosyncrasies, can yah ?)

Anonymous said...

Okay we'll work on some red & black Bon Papa. Maybe get some jaffas shipped in from Aunty Caitlin!