Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sunday mornings.

Each Sunday morning we have a little family tradition of having croissants, pain au chocolats, coffee and smoothies. Even Felix has a croissant and a smoothie (although Mummy and Daddy draw the line at a pain au chocolat).

Having just finished our breaky we called Aunty Caitlin in Briz-Vegas.

Felix was mesmerised by chatting to Aunty Caitlin and then became all smiles.

What great fun!

Bravo Aunty Caitlin, thanks for the chat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why does Mummy draw the line at petits pains au chocolat ? That Aunty Caitlin, by the way, called "très chauds" and loved to eat with her chocolate drink "hot" AND "cold" as she put it... Mummy and Daddy are CRUEL !

Next time you speak to Aunty Caitlin on the phone, Felix, you must tell her that you are "un enfant martyrisé;;;"