Thursday, August 24, 2006

Rainy days.

It's been raining again in Paris. Sigh. Nevertheless it's a good excuse for Felix to put on his raincoat and his gum boots and go puddle hunting.

The rain hasn't been too heavy so he could only find teeny weeny puddles (note the fingers).

That's when a break in the clouds happened and it was time to offload the raincoat onto Mummy and have a drink of water from his trusty bottle.

... and get into the afternoon's fun.

Although Mummy does suspect there will be more puddles later!!


Anonymous said...

I was right, there were more puddles this afternoon (and rain).

Although tomorrow looks dry - but grey!

Anonymous said...

It's been a miserable summer. Some days it's been warmer in Sydney than over here!

But at least we've been cheered by seeing our little one get so much joy out of "pa-doo" jumping.