Thursday, June 22, 2006


Mummy and Felix went to the park yesterday and on the way stopped into the toy shop to buy a bucket and spade.

On the way to the cashier we noticed a cute little lion looking up at us. Felix just adores lions and as he was such a cutie we decided to buy him and take him to the park with us.

His name is Leonardo. I have a sneaking suspicion that Felix and Leonardo are to become
the best of friends.


Anonymous said...

I can be a bit slow on the up-take some times and Felix patiently repeated his name about 15 times before I realised

"eee-awww-ahhh-ooh" meant Leonardo.


It's his first four syllable word. How proud were we? He'll be on who wants to be a millionare before he's three!

Anonymous said...

The French or the Australian one?

SarahInSydney said...

Mummy was right.

Leonardo or Aardo as Felix calls him has fast become a good friend and now accompanies Felix to his daycare and keeps him company in bed each night.

The best of friends!