Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Afternoon stroll at the Lux.

Mummy and Felix went for a stroll in the Luxembourg gardens yesterday afternoon before our playgroup.

It was quite a mild autumn day and we looked at all the leaves that were falling off the trees.

Felix raced around with his little pram (it is incredibly successful at wearing out little boys).

Up and down the different paths in the gardens, trying to follow the little touches of sunshine here and there.

It was quite a nice little wander and it seemed to do the trick at wearing Felix out before we joined the others at the little playground. Even more excitement to wear him out.

At 7pm Felix asked Daddy to go to bed. Most unusual for the little man to actually ask to go to bed, especially at 7pm. He slept soundly until 8am this morning!


Anonymous said...

In photo nr 3, Felix looks very much like the photo his Daddy uses for the 'innocent" photogram...

Anonymous said...

Yes Felix certainly has moments where he looks just like his Daddy, and his Bon Papa for that matter too.

In fact the similarities are increasing with age!