Monday, August 20, 2007

Baby Brother or Sister?

We have been doing lots of talking about the new baby who is due to arrive in early October. Felix has really taken to the idea and has just started giving Mummy's tummy lots of kisses "For the baby". Mummy & Daddy have been quite surprised by how much he really seems to 'get' the whole notion. He is terribly excited. Fingers crossed he'll remain so positive!


Anonymous said...

Aunty Caitlin and I firmly believe that number two is a boy...
bisous xxxx
PS. My friend Depardieu, Felix calls him" the funny man with a moustache", is categorical. He said to me the other day that he shares this opinion ! He sends his regards btw.

Caitlin said...

Aww look at that beautiful growing belly, its great to see it!

Life with Lyla said...

Yes, beautiful to see a real tummy shot. Is it quite large? You look so well. I cringe when I see photos of you carrying Felix! Can't imagine it.

And did I notice a new piece of art on the wall behind?