Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Monday!

Another day, another Easter Egg Hunt. This time it was a smaller scale version with some friends from our Playgroup.

Armed with his basket, Felix collected the eggs that had been scattered around for all the little-uns.

Although at one stage in the morning there seemed to be some confusion whether to hold onto the eggs or throw them into the bushes (?#!#?).

But then everyone returned to the task at hand, collecting the easter eggs.

Followed of course by 'polishing off' the chocolate easter eggs ... and thus missing the afternoon nap due to excess sugar consumption! C'est la vie.


Life with Lyla said...

All this to look forward to hey!

They all look so cute lined up on the seat :)

SarahInSydney said...

Yes they were so sweet sitting on the seat...the moment of calm before the chocolate kicked in!!