Saturday, September 23, 2006

Jazz trios.

Daddy went out to the football this afternoon to watch Arsenal play (surprise surprise) and so Mummy and Felix spent Saturday afternoon together 'sans papa'.

Mummy was feeling particularly uninspired by the whole park idea but knew that a good run around would do Felix some good. So they set off...

Luckily en route Mummy and Felix stumbled across some live music that was coming from a quiet little
local park and it just so happened a jazz trio was playing.

After the initial surprise of having a live band playing at the park, Felix bumped into his friend Auguste and he started playing with the big boys. Felix was thrilled and Auguste, very sweetly, took Felix under his wing whilst Mummy enjoyed the music.

Felix was on energy overdrive and had a great time playing with the boys and again showed Mummy his newfound energy and just what lies ahead in the 'little boys club'. Eeek.

Of course taking after his Daddy, no Saturday would be complete without football and so Felix decided to indulge in a match
with the big boys who were very accommodating ... even if Felix was facing the wrong way (and at times, dancing on the field).

Then it was back to the music for a final shimmy before we hooked up with Daddy and meandered home after a very spontaneous & enjoyable afternoon of entertainment.


Anonymous said...

Recognise the overalls Bon Papa?

Anonymous said...

Of course, I do ! very smart, could not be more elegantly worn.

Anonymous said...

I should have highlighted that Felix is actually trying to tap dance in the last photo like one of the trio members.

It was very amusing to watch!!