So Felix has been on summer holidays over the past few months - Crete and the South of France. Crete was lovely and very relaxing. Just what the family needed. Some rest and relaxation in the sun. Felix went swimming morning and night and seemed to enjoy the jet-setting european lifestyle.
Next stop Vence.
In Vence (20 minutes from Nice) we visited Bon Papa, who Felix was thrilled to see as was evident by the consistant 'Bonpa, Bonpa, Bonpa'.
Each day we went in Bon Papa's car which seemed to start Felix's love of cars & trucks. And of course hot afternoon's were spent by the beach with Mummy, Daddy and Bon Papa.
Felix also loved exploring the paved streets of Vence and in particular the water fountain which was a great way to cool down on a hot afternoon.
Of course no trip to the south would be sufficient without a visit to the next town St Paul de Vence where daddy spent his summer holidays (before the tourists arrived). And why not really?
And now it seems now that we have returned and are to spend August in Paris it has turned cold on us. Brrrr...its been down to about 13 degrees recently...what's with that???
Felix's Grandma from Sydney called the other day to ask how we were surviving in the heat. I had to hold back my laughter and explain that we have all been struggling with how many layers to wear.
Nevertheless Felix seems to be oblivious to 'the weather' and instead is just going about his days being entertained with local parks, balls, keys, cars, cars and more cars. Did I mention he loves his cars at the moment? We'll he drives them everywhere. He is also pretty crazy for tractors and trucks too.
Brroooooooommmmm ... there is certainly no confusing he is a little boy!!
Gawd. Those holidays seem so long ago... and they were so short. Ahh well there's always next year to look forward to.
Zee-Zeat is definitely on the short list to be nominated "Vencois" de l'année...
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